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mu Story in Cof. 6 iupfflimnnt 




f v i %w vf mi 

For King Assassin 

CUS5jf l£0 AEViRTiSlNG ftcbW *41 1 1 All Oibw Cd!» M3 12 or IM JM Ml 




Khe Sanh: Hanoi: We Await 

We Get Through Time and Place 

KHE SAisYMf.S Amy tokrrptors carrtaE n 
cr.inpany al Stitiili Vklnannn=e< pdrnLprn.pCTs Jnlrt ihe 
Kta Ssurh today in |he ftnft mfllor linkup nr alhrii 
troops With American Irtinpy imkk lilt ctmibat hint. 

Stipflly betorev >wnrtis> nr 

AtfUirirafl llpllcflplfi’;, ttilllli^lSniill In liilto Nan'b ami 
iB.ichi.lle gun Hre* lolled sti Viet-™ Us** 

wart at 

Array btrKiiflf rm * horilxjr*- 
lrrr4 ilrip- miisiki Kb* Sunk. 

l-Ylla ltaw\ 

ri*u‘rnnn m t<wsm* ilwj 
rW^llmn. me bevy ml Ewltoop-' 

— sfunswi svjfuwrt tew* i%rt% 

IH-xtuij I’S Hiring Nnrtl- iviit>rtnaw iwij ChN. ttppHAKLLlalf 

E r " m n ' !• tjii"ii 4 to Kite Sarto vAlijrr 15 iniJ** Mert* l«d,ij . jj^m 

.. f ■ r.rttf .1! ,,1 . “-ill, Eli. . Ifcr; Imt-r:- > aiMl npetiwlj i*i >r. I :J llaniH igr®p*L 1) *nuW 

(DC-1-rt-Ti.v ‘‘ITE I S 4jrk» •■•■■> -It Jn V . /Vl@Gt Shitt0Q;!r,'l j* fUjAmnl rf musuateit 

mr,, - :T, f ■* I'"' ' Vl Iiwroy bdriir* -link in HarrUmi". wte navnii, arnriife Use VjS M Ininri- 

:in ’ r 'Ut-nvd ft-- : ■■ t n- -i^dyd JaM ftimby m FmU 

wirdwd rtfs* vn irtte h>iw il ' : - — « 0 VQplTOI .urn™* «iw 

h .in 1.1,1' s, hM ir in'-‘ra an uf Murnr- nwmUMtn npr pwt talk*. 

* n * mnn + " lu * '“' hl1 im - v*. Amto* Tte MiicBiiow nrt« tort ll* 

• - - o-L. ' ' 

MEMPHIS, Tcnn MJPli— Ally, Gen. lUmcy 
nark said Tudav nvniem.T jiKUcate* ihe avsniiMiui- 
H«tt nt |Jr .Martin l-ueher KIhr Jr was ihe vrork of 
I our- ritari and Mill hurtfic* hre "very dssr' Eis amM- 
inj! Wm 

iJ-SniS 'Si 

, from rbi* r.mtiirrT ai Teitufinsee THE TOLL 

,nl (HU ttnwr Utld Hart,, 
liiifulcrn'il Elite h IVuSiiifrel' Tire loEf <if dead nfunh- 

|Jnhit*nt (o lt%' ii ir'i i lie 1 ret t*> a Waxt K Hi the 
. mk'ed ipdimt mkI tvavny i^l ware ot arunn, dmUORS, 
Kmp's WHtmi' Hie (m.Mtnuiettr*! iwh-lhrottlnjE and hiut- 
'watfomi* "sn nv mm of Etn» irlgecml by ihn a- 
Kim h# iw n «! nw hoitii ijrrjti American." I SHamatisMi <>r Ur. .Martin 

WASHINGTON — Ttw United SMIcr lia?. sen! * mt? : Tniwral mn Mil in# ' ^ in k Jr ; 

^auc to North VlcUtitn. pro|)oaiii e a silt and level faf Turwiny m rn m air, all kl j|l^ 4ni 
direct talks nnrl is new avraitinpr a reply fmo Htnm, Kiar* EtwmaEr Kapu^ chan-* „ 

acEnudjsiraijen tm^x * id today. in vhimn , • < 5® t?eS^¥o jE : 

-Lb# win m Amnoiui ‘tir *** 

bfltnhtaT JUi* 1 '***! « rtlWi *f ^ I ' '' l!1 '” ' W '' 

ayg JtLTLgwa oi 

31 was iinUemS«KE dwi TfVaali- 
liT^tcm h;itl iTiciifflWt H nxv pre- 
jMUNti Eli senil AtmhiwwHtoral' 
Urp': W, U-crell Ifamtrmn 
u<r iC|ireMaEifjvf 10 talks al 
Crwi'i nr mWilurr approprUi* 
lUr nuH«ief rriwrictfiy 



-™ r 1 human af Jilanflf# dm- 

farlityj .mil U* Villas m| Kbn'- ll,rH "MU -tMr bwSWa 
g3 f ,| L Kbe KMtl’i barted i*iw jralnfr 

trori thf L--n)jWJ Knrlfirj* 1 '^ tbr tnralpfl^tJ 
flsjtpak '.■ai'.ir'fc'W vs Kt m MU' tenti *n tht nit* 

Amurtciffl. hands Uni M.mdmi; 1 . s .iis« n'punrd 

from 4 iriiim dan -mi <»i weidr. TtiLl 471 ,-c 

iHjirl Lti"d 123 Smik vw«Jinie>i Btraltef nirt to« W’Wm; S 
■ 10 l^aMss tack * cftk-ntN M W»t" srllfditW 1 « 

I *Fl vt '• frHrtj ' Vh>m R*Effw **? flsW tor ti«ks 

• amnnimHim loday uni Uw aVirt VWanni rw: whjvw 

*1 ZTr‘ wJ|ieflCr ^ IWh. S **«t nr iBBBnr." 

^ Oiiw^r af riii-rj,>uw ttif w,,a h-,r a dSibw 

- ”■■ . ' •, . • ...—.jj tort’ halve been; ihvekLpe-J '' ise pner (Ml hi-, kruffl, l!ic lolal -I 

ri 11 roqj ^ r t™™, hi ^ [ww^ ******* t, me ii«.i 

DnpLW j, tcnhrr oj t'Jark i&f out eiaterile ll*** Oiy imnwi. ENt JUmptir 

unprw * awiter rf , fi (M H j riblW|?il , Jw j^iCwtnrrvMl Agipeal m Swipiw 

tu-l sat benfl (wndvdy idenij-dEnWirnl Ncwip»p#t> jinil oUhtr 

Jjnt. In? vu rnn/ulnH ..r -jmiitiiirrrn. 

early miIuikhi and appirturii X tp&Miufli Ear Kinu'n . 
s«n" afUie assoalii. HWI alu*r ihe 

unitir KHiifllrth Banker r«U- Awfww ptxiiftMits hud born 
-■tint Us* d-|umrre fttr ilairait^^t rfsrri.-dj by 

But Wafk-HKpoit ^twlallett ike 

PS pHp^ r Amerkan 

aaaliBLl n-a ub atod m ffiirin V .«• LwiP ^ om ^ampfttkwiMi 'it 
tm »,■ '"-hr, w. H „mii?,ii irjrt^uwe. Brt'^ \^^^-|irt|nid% »■ M 
e,jpi I Tt-t- .Tefin-Und^inerni. tiKuiiU ,rhi>ed la 
ItkliilE tr-fl . abeti nr nlwtr 
HiaWkniTrt viun e-. ’ajUiedird Oimra. Part*. S'c¥ i*elly, 

fEnnjlLfCTt -if V 

oiiftt Lik-Jy Uteti for roniinwiij} 

i :■ .lUlt* 
rmuMii IVtMie . 
KJItarlat r«£* , 

r-mwiv I'**- 

Hi»l W Ale 
IT lnlsiln t*rt*4I 

S^nin» f.iartS|H*.4- 
JMitIp* nmA OtMUt 
RrHil^a, Sen# 

' - 

I'miltnd H btnlii'i . 
Iln-n KWiejn Hie bntdiftiew «saia 
fnor-d 4fi ;tmtr 

„ bf Mm Ar 

tAmilrjf bncaifc —US many is 
5.000 meti — Friday the 

JlthRsnn raElnl n/J lii, Diyln 
lit flatrali alter Or. Atir- 
tw Lirflwt Kbm Jr. wn.i toUrd 
The «Hltr Hniiw itiinwini.enl 
nWimtlHa tlut CVpjl WQMsn t. 
Wwtrmrriimd, ITS coBtinaiidH' 


r hr* lari# uf mninly 

TUe ITS. ami Virtnnm 

*.M» Uartltt CMffldn-s nf Knr IB V>lnart,. wouM p> w V*hb. 

d msENd nl HkWII to; mwE 

Sttiv Hut aea Eiepin Jan. M. V>BW H»e Pff<Mfent 

1 >. Vl>j|Jln-p. Ttiks 

Vsr-t A4-. — Oterillrrt 

th*«MSr,i %4T»nrii-Uif; lit Mill 
imlwi' Jii-partnuTni*. 

Hi hni^ltl. Bl UK, 


i IE mill warm np a Wd liirnnrnm let P*ltn Sunday 

•m 1 »ritr imlny’s brink tcnijicraitires tn the inW*W?; juwnflng 
ns I t-i ibe ^TADwrmsH, t 

iripji vnaentay wav deisiw. fnday'. wind! pi.*‘» 

'led dt Wsiw jway jhsuhl uE Uir Ikut wnl k# fttshb. 
iri,-lun£ f« 

1 An*y1«HHPPIB^PH 

murk «rf Krpmh Vlrtnnm. Hanoi 
lid II wuW be mill tig lu <W- 


IjiiK; Ulr wur In boili ,VncEh and 
kmdli Vietnam, fliJmlidvthrliiin 
cpJrtftl# saw r»i uidirhliqn tltn! 
Ilasni vm* bacldiig away Irutu 

iTlf43«l. niiluum and nmrrtes 
«m “all-tmfmniLiii^ so Kiryf. 

Nu infwmnErtm war avalEalik 
yet ins liuriil plan». he said. 

tV*,iU-iiC Je4in«Tin e-jnwUed 
bin H-hiMtutfid trip in ftr 

Vlespam tnfc becAue n[ 

Klnfi JUtauteaElsti. buh «£$#, 
aiAwf €mi!fThts In rill a iperui 
Bm.‘Lm R Wnoiloy n.flhl ic brrr 
hJr- "rtM-itrailive irrimsiin-rtd,T 

Ijmr, ' EEtr r*Kmj tnr. 


Hie ,im> ireperterity vm* 
Mr« Jneranlwitary nnl lto- 
ind aLiNini u» n rr.wfi itf pus 

ii-mplil? Iiallre CtWf Trank -diurrlr arrrti.S'r, Tur-dJ.n, Ihnno !J* 1 ' " , M> tl fl J *? 1 } lhe ' 
L ItoifctMJl -aid f inlay n«hl would w # marvii to M'lrrhiii-r^iL !:^ ^:, 
be, ton. »in ufiranfalw nltoirt nn CWIege in AILmij. EcJlajv.rd hi klSllr - if o( ,to 

mp nursr in AOuta. Wtowed hyi^^ 1 ' 
u reLnp«i a^mbljr ihr-r- H?j "° Itue " 

editorial m Nhaa Ban. Ibn Twm 
itumM Pans ni'wvjMjirr ikofj 
the fir't ‘•ifh-, \rrth Vietaaiii 
ijsrilril mis wllaf It mran . 

K toys 'in' I >' riSipl Hitjt iUrt ' 

Iflilv all lrtmHinu Inal ikbi'l 
ij’J3 of wnr 

Ttw rdJtnnal Mint Mn inrluil 
'a * n'lhlJli^ 
rWkt»»liWBK* plants to Ukr 
phOttsraptK , 

Snnw \iiwi‘.ii,i nfftrlah mi- «wl Friday m^ir He IWJi 

ufilunWic ahmirt m 

aimsl “•evnuaally " ^ 

(tor he mold !tm i.-noM not toll 'ud Uw fatten! wan be™ ■^wr-' , td Kmc 

wjp-hnr si SiwiM Ire male “inutp in Uww (tin, tKMtM!i kWSwf TtaPitojr hy a mnjfe arton 

ri'nttf a 3H4S JlMBriUjroH Fiunp 
rilte auto! |r undfcaf atoiw mu 
me bstoooy of hiv room at the 
LwriijiM Holef, in ,i Nogrt, 
*«Uuu «f Mntiphii. 

A rltw.. KAiTins "'hiEi* man 
token mn, ru.nmly Friday 
, white rmwjniR frn« 
Cregriry Prcli, pretJdmt of- maud nf rite [^nfile in NlhUht I® mbi-'li Hit MM|i*r hid 
thtr Melton Thcturr \fadmy.! l| -i;-i'- tuiH- i have aiks| hw; T*. taw Ro ww a >mrtmi!wr buiMioB 

Ehni Udh mlsM nwan 
Hint llapidu Was jnrefurlsle hnr 
iwWlEfflitoi iiy m a k i n jf nr 

tiua] Otcar Awvnta 
iv WujKiay «uy be 

llir Jidnsiffli' Aitintnu-ifatHiri 
tfKanl- aetial JWMtBiurtsw e 
'inmr WitiB Vnumm as u iltaJ 
CflfJ 1 ainr Bifiu CtUffr JrJii ;mes«v in keep ir*rk n$ troofi ' 

->l m Ehaf ird up Jn j'nwJ wpply movniM-rH ? In rnKur ' 

f.M dfofkm to lyii'C Uf -Inti- I llJRt Hfuwl ikies -‘ihM Inks #$■ 
ilrg pgivuiri tjrlf P<py -11 | v ar>1aiJP'' uf * riMltlun of 

in inn 

Academy Weighs 
Delay in Oscars 

arm® Ebr mimsi fr^ 
ItHiiarfl tor toiiifliTijii' " hnEei. ADLbMigh The man did 

■ ft-r a it cnmJdortnp emrih. fe™ f ? 

4 kan. pmtpoHwuewl. or a me jjf ^ 
rtwtrt 1}JK? pmsnim, anil tl h^ 1 - BlllWjlS P 0,r,r|a? ' 

IVrkiaadth* \f .tilriny Bfwwd2lwr, :,uspr<ttd lin) w rarr, ifjf. ^ cwuwvctKr! 

wav ttSMiletuij vpwht,! alicma.jiifl *«<, urttfr -n . n ini’T y " ’* ****' 
me fofloumy lhe int-'ir-ibut mduliirg a umn mhui in 1 Khpercusriiaii Emm KJiij’s 
of Nng re leafed Ur. King. iI<m'!i -isuofe the uaLlou 

klartm Ustber KtoK \>oo porfot^im md ^i L^TSTt Jf?" 

■w# urn iryiHS to *i llwiton m (he Ukw 

ftpjimtu-Mlr " i\\k ^iH m bkiw of Use d,,v, ’ wtlca s * un ^ 

, H l- *r purptrio to vixi t to|.j| imitjimtiH lur Hr. KJnr. ' rtMltsBri ■■ Paj-e j, fM. & 

a .2 

m -m 

a presibe\tlu.<j^iji;k BRINKS in federal troops dp the 3 BIJ infantry regiment to ring the l sK* 

I>M(JstR ri »MfipFi-4tcr hi Hit' imtsnn'n cepttaJ, Kithper Rif ftm** and ifotrt at bwlnwfriK hitvt been *et aWnsc 

Fury of Hate , Killings in Capital 



New York: 
Midtown f 
Hit by 

NEW VORtf £AP)— <yawdp.ufr - ! 
V.egruGj trwvti into 

cl™ ** *■*'* 

** J 3 ^ stradt. pajt of * er *ip 
**“ 150 ** 

Tbnfls SqilHiB mhJ rrfii»d Hi 

^|»«Jsr Bou t of sctfTUf S 
I'OUlta ttam through if* inter- 

■™ Sfrwt ndth police tit pm- 

*rr«t*t aJKMfl M 
Jtrore ytHiihs l.a freyy tta Al* 
bM CbtmLcalt BuiHinB-ftPiifp 
h‘ the TtniM Ttower-at Broad- 
wa end SlrrM itai Uwy 
rrfii«!d u, m0re< 
pj^ *** usa 

in HariMii. inununr p* 

Hi* «m tauim haute.' • 
Eflidicr, thousands of yottfg ' 
person s-muic jnd item- 
Hiarched jisf miiei down Bw#J- 
m ** ««* HiD IB AO nxvj 
ftaeiiofl to thi a^Afstnifiot' of 
Dr. Martin LuliWr tl» t r 
At*Ot 1,034 of Ibr demote ra* 

„ — , *!*, THA-saJ ' 

IW lie Jau-n sa from pf Ctty Rail 

..jsl of the r-jnwd Afejwfy 44* 
perad Whan It became apihU’- 
Pflt that Mayor Jclm V. Uk^aF 
wwUld Ssf talk to tivem. 

1 Killed 

H ™« lm &‘ 1 al " M ™ *» wemiifla&lt la rioting aclion ns uso.lsn l«*Vtaavj Wl 

Six Dead; 
Fires and 

tSflLVOTOW (I.1P3) — Prrs- 
■ Ann? 

from a fflfl&iry port Id 
G«i#a w«* emroulK. 

were Kited, pQlScs hpiHtqunrtwi 
a Negro was shot 
erllkully injured at 111: IS pm 
At CStlt And 




ItPPT F, 1 Sd ^fllc and 1i)H 
rffitor'f gan tired ateidnsirl!*', 
MitHE oi» of the EH*, (hit 

ojWfriwc* IwiUdtfi'ri imruMf, 
■FTres swijM a prt. 

drjmUUlftdj' Kegr® ElCjgiihirtHHXl 
on West VwftMN Strftt i*d po- 
ne? reported usEcr-vivc Jooljpg. 

vjnJnmt Frtdiiy tn the naUojt'sj Tbc sutilLalSi'in workers are 
CWWt Mriklng ter higher w*p»« und 

DntmH. »Kh It toaty Negre tJ» right Du smua mpnMnila- 
iwpututimi. a bo ^as tiir, os tl® 1 

vert surfl widespread spot* os SFE^in I>rn t jd«at ftwtE* 
RhUm 1 ftMjp 0<M!(ni, xtEinj', m tmr f,l the score* rtf 

.Vi 'A •- •. FTftll* Ph r^I3T TPfli h'lYUI II . II . 

Wlrws&ra ,sas4 Wittes of a 
is-ISnck we a m W*k MMmu 

&r«l UTrt! a wljd W a^. of rife 
and erm.ikc, The fire department 
issued fine alarms for (kc fjrc? 
Md later added fear special 

The ffres jpafted in ibr 3400 , 
hfork Of wry. Matti wWi, three | 
miles from the Ix>op r and ex- | 
Eumfcd to Use tGW Nm k. 

‘slamlmg uy» In the ope*,, m 
-re-ric quiof was broken only [*. 

’ 1h£ iwcwant ring nf (jurgiar 
Hiiirti! Ml* M two tearimt $*«$£ 
At frtti and '□alrrr.cHjnt. 
rtood pi the altaitoed ^ 
from doorways wtf 

-**M cbodv 3SS# 

i! *n»V rlansiMt n* „ 
Hqiwr sE WV orartsv ' r ‘ 




rtr was killed ia Mr aiding 
striking mermbors of an At'r- 
CJO union in Ihthr struggle fur 
liiimau dignity, Thai fc how Ur. 
King spent hrt enUre Jffe — al 
llie side rtf the ftlftsi oppressed 
In QUb iwrtnij. Ho dted in that. 
Ntni^jtlr and all who cherish 

N.C. Snipers 
Hit 3 Police 

CREENSBfUtq, K.C, {fPIj— 

I Longshoremen dosed down nit t 
Atlantic, Gull and Great likes 
ports until 9 am. Salurd*)' in 1 
honor t>[ Kjhk, anti ibr National j 
Maritime L’nioji unged its r 
ai^wo seamen to slay off the c 

men Friday night and tn 
Charlotte police us*d ajgfttsLiete 
tn break up 4 crewd af Negroes. 

Mali (Mint Girard tmopa rolfcd 
onto Die tampan oi A&T stile 
University in. tlreensbmin Eo 

IU x pa-ic- I Iif^ -JII1C Vllfl-Idp pip.II\^Lnp . . r 

rve-fiiiarrt niiiv- a Liter caU-up. ever n jwrtwt | k 1B £ « Mwilphte m *cad 

e wwlUfl Itoee UMIlEhS, of up to aO.WI feor- 3 miirh for rtriking 

At S and MorisMciSL |,f 

nf nuilj liimwiM t>£ main ly ArTTTjr, t? fjfl W ™HH MR? NtgM P WbAII lH? WHS 
up in ntout wt the irr.ln] mre of L r .£,-M» lB ' 

reeded support based troops- depleted by Uy A demnntittnEkio he led East 

MHbMCt, ‘'Whai I ain knyuig in 

Onartes ^OTTJP. Chief of the 
ftiSrtft of Columbia detective 
bureau, said rt«r Vepws were 
JtillMl during liie looting, A 
wtdto mart was JdDed when he 
robbed and slabbed by n 
jjroyp id Negro youths at a gu 

Th® uUkt vlciims tactaded M- 
yiear-oJd Tborrus Williams, shot 
by fMtlce J^vl. nnvKt thflmWn.'i 
waen be drew hdj glut qud it 
siu-ttdeci tally dUoliawed, Bum* 
said. Young WIDJarma ims in a 
group irf jthUk thHl dtscended 



Lbollrtg is widespread In Ifte oatluit r s cajillhL itiiHdr Ore flares and seorcs nf biatinrcsrc have been set abl use 

The Prejideni Stayed up late 
brie dsn. night ia vtp sn Efoeb 
wuli the efty's tHflblgs. Report* 
poured Into the White Koose 
tiiiiRlwn room, Itiaaliy Lb® 
fuilioai’s Ocm.' eelSer at times 
of kHtemziti{HHl cn.T.s. 

Police headquarters sard that 
as of ) p.m, EST tiifie had bcctl 
W> adults and l(d yj^truics 

Mflte than T0 ttnw were 
Started in Stores In l he slums 
and in a few downtown sJrapr 
helweOh thr While House and 
Cap. lot HiD. LtiWcr wuter 
pro-sure and mawAo traffic 
ji-ifiii hampered (trefigbling 

Ijridlactiil reports said soow 
troops were being flown tnto lio 

dlV- One report sab! pa raLKO 

CoMege Fund 
Honors K^ng 

— A JEarllu Luther King mm 
rial fellowship Euml has beeti 
started et CubJPCln Sate t'm- 

Hr. T.R, Youpg, professor 

tbfi seck*igy department, wlut 
is white, said "The aim of lire 
fund is Id jurodtice a thousand 
Luther Ktugs fc-r th-: 

FBI On Hunt 
For Assassin 

llhg she rtreeu tn the gl'att iht\’E f rlds.y 
flnnung bjbqingi aiupg a 1G 1-TtrpWtf d SdlWfil 

M#eK urea soure three nuleaWdrlEg M arresn. 

■west of downlowii CWcugb. ] Gov. G eorft RutnlMy snA 
I'lre hrd ) a 0 le rs rnremi ay nr Terntfip, Cm.’anagli touted f 
thnwgli t Lnrp, predtmiiiSBLly W city after dark and repotird 
Negro urea on Cnlcsgo^ West relative culm. - a 

Side where two men were sh®. The ntunher til anestod 
and Stilled by snipar. The body Uimibed t* an« dtuitsd lW 
nf «K<tar man who had Sjeehl-wtMi before midnlgbL Pcflltt 
shut wa> fryumf helving ii Iwted W She jail uwmaiily holds ody 
store; *t»lhtr fulafly Shot mao lint prisoner^, 
was icnuKt in 90 alley- iMihH 1 . LSvuragh MlW tbn Ra3*W trtl 
Shut und hilled a man eight j$fcoi necidetitulty Ivy a pcJJe«- ' 
milts dlslam tnwn the dirturb-Smun io Highland Park, ■ 
once ansa, an the South ShtoUnmrnnny cfflapkt^r snr- 
..1 lev, J(vJm'C lutd,. Im upentil I irtunflrf by Detroit 

iBu said b p>JKvmsip ws» 
AO Mw vK-tlms were jfeglPMW. I hawing five- kmler* wbilt his 

rtlralstfig qitrflkm wheHiM lie 

rofod by 

dpclflpftl &mdsy a untlonal d4y-f«iW cotriroJ ifcr Negro n 
of nwumjfig. In She preretrt racial ctimaii 

Bespit* the plea. Ihare woa' This lame nfuiprai up 
vLcJenee in m.tjtir tWW on bOtb[«?»CkCy impoftant in vitw if 
sides of Hid M*.sna Dixon bn®. 1 1 315 jOaiibndl "poor people’ r ' 

New Vf?rt;A ^.OM-nmn pnllMjmanrh on W^Mitjpon Euler 
force um ®rtf®n4 no emerge- mnrtlh, » Ktng rn|yni«l .. 

ry duly aRcr n ntght of atncusiWsiupMs to prove hm point fhnl 

looting, ar«K] and smjnng. add l^^l^twits. «®arrflr« day mfihL about IS hloeki 


lltnvv d Lilted lines bold Center stage, InuopS arc at E and F Slrcctu 

Dntnjtl. *fth a heasy Negro 

poputuiksti, atro was ' 
were sutfl wide-TiroBd sprit.-; as 
RuHin. ifottge, La., 0 ot!ou, 
^us?., Ralplgb. CLoriofCe, Now 
'lent, Wfflstfrn-yafcm nmf Wtl- 
ningtocn. N. C. and THIuhSMce, 

Mrs. jfrhn F, Kennedy, 
of the Ur* pre^ffrni who wna 
ulsn killed by a sniper, joined 
iho c*mru» of ibnsc pleading for 
culm, 'T prsy that with 
price be (Ktngl paid— his life— 
he Will mute rocan hi pennies' 
(hearts Inr lofve. pol ha1e,“ she 

Decision on Reservists Callup Delayed 

4ivi,'jd juirirtg the fragile peace which vras sen l ill ere 

VVASH1NGT0N f A FJ— Fmal inlhefy or evcti (fnjpped, lOjpkCo h ra-gidiuf Mutiny 
deit-^oits on palbup ii ibuu- -■"• -e *■>— ■ ,.-* T .-«»i <•>— - ■ 
sands of Kesm'lils ;md Nnljon- 
fll GuciTTSimea Itiivc beeD d& 
iayTfUl IwiuEe 1 ot pK‘pnr, L lJMii— 


Dvfrnso official raid 
llfinduy that 

caarefait— fivr ProsidenUnsereLs ol u ItjaerveKiiiarrt mug. 

on VLodiAip, 

Meanwhile, tfirre is specula- 
Non rum ita Ti'/iv im| 1 .u|) 41 11 
nourtted by lobn?.-i 2 Is? > 
Simdii-y mtjpfit l>? deferred iiufrf- 

tor might come wwhj-ji Hire# imnths, of up In 

Tory spote hi 

Dubifisatiflo of up 
If ,W: to provide needed support 
tnxijw in Vlftnam and bo re- Vietnam war, 

InsperiMt m$ East .tiifc, &M 
Munitions were under couiroL 
T’sc-lnia Mtrefii. birthplace uf 
lie Jifly rte<. vru* cotnpJcJrl v 
deserted. At une comer, four 
jqund; ran. jwIIk] ^ th*- 
rtnts, wi:& path.® krvcelui« 
open *wa n(f w jn 

Non® 4tf 

Ann Landers ^ * & i***,*,* 

is Hubby Telling Her Something? 

For All 

m paArncALLV m«y ***** ™ ntr >' * 

an inauHi™ * - ” , , . 

clothes rtviy t»t have tho qia^ily- ltw 
and (be v&rtW <* W#^**** £ 

Bare! - hot nellhef *m ft*? bear U» ,m iP 41 ™ 
label at “kn*w d*a " This cWllftry cwM ta 
railed a "sjirlWMi 

WDSTH-KhOWisn II yen ft*™ &«*“ 
Jdaltis HI WHNluWe cMMb& nlft lie *P<« * |!fe 
a dry cake ntf iwp. ^en ^* sl1 m v/! ' m 

row Ihin or fu » Ltalr ^ 

EUls Is t Jan imjto. JJe'j « 

tot me, weigh* and dinks in a rinur ever 
a l-hp of iuHTM Ilfcn he's 1 fed l Md K) Kit 
father, VfaJtfl IE Ribs, a cqtcnt* worker 
(rum Qttiu Stmt, km it (Ji'ifmi Jimmy w*.i 
Sixth, n« aid niumjjl] ;n pmert the Lille nors. 
And onf young cnuitgh u, I*j prutetled by llttf 
b^e gme s 

waiter Ellis is a Rjipilst iutfit<<er lie and 
Mj^- Ellis know i be Tnnst! Bonk. They hnd DA? 
Imams (or all il dttldnw: “Wtwr, itrceer talk 

phase — WIL3IA 

Oew ft'tlitin. U grate Is a part *f the 
family nudnm. I see imthiw taortyrr ir **- 
nlejfiws afowt saylgg ir la pabljr If prayifig 

Caroline Walker 


^ ' v Needs 

7 KOi fcuT 
I 3w SCWti 
of fot beii'i 

alle^o bsz 

Mary Etta WflUahw, Hie gjrl Sic knew th thr 
fljdli grade-.. lie went mil in Trilmriilff lo Qal 
Out and rdHTtod her wi Ort$)|*0* DgJ 1 Sir; 
was quiet, '■ las $njd. H i Sited Her righl *way, N 
They bleed Ifcrcir lusgur* together ferwor, 
Now they Ilhvh JlfWWHa. 39 . a wlshedto 
KJrt who ►in-nrd CPI Id be a bey; James Jr M 7 ; 
the* I: Mary Bms Etiia Iwih i. 3 . and 
Jeffery LaJBrsel, I frnmlh aid. -funner EUts w st 
ifl I raining' (it Ibo (Marry r|gftl wMeu 1 ft# irtw. 
?bjRger WAS Ivor* He hail in pi. penribskn) 
(fvffl hU mAitagor, Dmuiern', In Jly 

hniftn ia sen Ibe hab)', Jimmy iftiOlfa hr fconkc 
grenl i StfiI M he apta, <jrring Hie entfw 
slowly, -'J Ihifik E nhmiJd slew up nun.- tut 
bn Ii»n and go Irtrt tn *lnxn mg poat." 1 ' 

tfs a IJunifchl A l (sought require* timr a nd 
riwogj', w Jimmy gave 1 1 up Ht* m an thinking 
snout JC >vatM ago, mJim WAVE- rv In U>0<S‘ 
villr sIsimfi# arnnivur i>w<s. uJiWcl "T^jnrw- 

fcnash 10 eppl>‘ PMPstnIS 1™^ wiUt J« 
jmupnda. Then wtjKr all with a damp 
dun , r . Brai place m sfen y but btotk If o 
jutd etirnmerllBjnd La IP tba JaW ttf a Irft'h 
dross ehitl. A5L wffl bi right S(^13l#x hDm 

LONDON— W hi I r < all this about m*te 
ttliiniflgrh twing, tplKtorn] 4 A day alter 
ftichard Rarton and fliobeUt Taylor Wd its 
User rtiebrainl thcif fount* O n t lttW y, 0» 
It.W .vtld 1 at I® Wsth Bpe HafTi-nh nml 
BartKl ftabette w tlwy iol«l up Hwlr ^ 
mil ft Ilnrhsl off "rMfltins a AtL-mk n itsS kWfity 
jut siHiwwhCfe - Vm neat ali&nJuiMly fcrtain 
when',' 1 lies said, 

■j haven't gol llie gtldltaji" he runrcA^J. 
"Iriji At*"s beort foo&Uig II .Un« a, qhWIrf In < 

ami 1 ’ui ju-.i m'lkiiBg for ltw ptiume a®-" 

Cl ma* now aBEr T^-iind ht in tbf 
Sedan: hut rlu-h einJneplitffi of IfteiF wail* at 
the Kntot ■..''HiriDiighi m ilayrmr, uml ftrv 
diM-u-.L-rl I be iulcntv at fats Wife. 

GOOD ID LAS; Clunl kwinp i 

tant papers, liritsLs, even y-nur wallet — by 
having a zipper dteitfe IBSLbIIhI M m ItiPldc- 
• Jadttt poekfrt . . . You ran k«p nJine polish in 
a can from taking awl ftsTflcolag by cxJEELng. a 
pled! frf aluminum: kuJ sUgblly Isrgw Lhan ihe 
tan. pulling |z (mar (bn lop and then replacing 
(te Hfl. TlM ptillrb will stay (notsL, . if you cul 
yokratlf while shaving und pet a $p<rt of blood 
™ your «dlar, pm fHi a few drijps of water, 
Huai poftder rtw spot ihtoMy with siHitfc Rub 
Off when dry and [hr spot should be gone. 

!fJ THE HAIL: "What's tha corrert num- 
ber of tettomp on Ibe sleeves oif Kills? Thera's 
m bard and last rule. Various miinufic Hirers 
use anywhere from Jour l# one — wilh -tome 
even leaving them off attofietter. (J nddental- 
fy. if you lose a bmiiwi tui one riwve, even 
Hungs. up tiy rnwring dub fruiti if» orter,) 

BmCCOKN-SStXiPlNC: Tb mte soups ex- 
citing. add a dash of dark rum In n heavy 
soup. and fcsfit rani in thinner soups- {Pump 
Room, Chicago) , , HiiriBUto pork (Hen in 
nn.ust.ird and wine sauce before b-hfcinf: for on 
tMrtfc Oriental flavor, (Bruce Ha's, 
NYC) . . To Mhaiice IMvor OF wa?i lamb, 
sprtftlde cinnamon over H tetore plating n 
live own. (Trader Vfclj. JfVC) . . .Ttitn net 
mnyoHialso with pickto ]akc for a tasty 
vegrlEMr dressing; (Soak Fil 
KJ,) , . Margate lfch In 

P8Y!Hff ti) k«p hdm In his first year in eOUfigt. 
Ile worts four hours, every evening, 

"They tare a small apHrtmenL She Is a; ft 
every momihg. i go over uod take san* of (tie 
apiTUnent umtl 6bc tan get t* her fetoL The 
teller's CnnflciOE does- not seeifi In help very 


‘'.Vw slw u cortiplifJunB ternti* he in 
never home ami they never go anywhere lit 
Chfhplauiill£ because they arc always short 
Ml money and that she doesn't manage- well. 

"f know they deserve Ju/1 what Ebay are 
gellltig fnr being so Jreadsinmg, Wo are 
pnyrng the doctor hills, bul I do rfuok. Urn. 
Walker, Ibat il h- up to her dad and me to help 
I Horn iwi a little. 

"in* eaiTpay their ■ftps’ ate never miss it, 7 
would not give than ibe nanny as they have 
an xTca how to manage. 

"My husband doesn't tjunfc Etna m quite 
rigid, "bul he wants to nave ibeir marring ard 
Iry to have his grandchild boom into a docent 

"We haw argued wi he said to write i# 

you, WUl ymr give us your Ideas! 1 

flf rouree your Dm impilb* 1* to fwl emit 
if (hey fend no? been so Immature and sellish 
end bad not dnltotf you aod common sense 
Uiey wotiH Dot be hi this mess. 

Vec. you MO not brfjp fwllag they at* so 

30 thwigiHloss, so Ignoraat of life 

i Sfeincrohn 

Can Kill 

men. he trick to carry the 
WDckl's weight on Ms snoul- 
ders. Thu iiioke.c him Erruc 
and tired. Is. Ibrn: o rpmoril y : r 


Citfmirefit: Each one Of iri 
Jms t# rssbkiji his- e*ji phltas- 

fore moWng for delEcl«?un flai'Or fSoafare nf and Hs riltTCnts and msdineiinioBts. Ihat jtki 
ififr Aegean, tnusl ihraw them a fifelitit 

another, wfll proven! Uh 
swns thnt hring an (if aggra- 
vate high bloenf prcssinre. dta- 
h«4es, for&ftity disease, irlcrr 
and many oaicr jnvoJvemesits. 

For DK^mple. Charles f 
Kettering, oaosulteflt tor Gru' 
cJ'jI MM&fs, M Tt SSldr ■'JJcn’t 
lake yourself toes sertoiiily 
Th* world will run afoug if 
you dro|i ouJ.' 1 

Tim moey men Lair o 

J-Ura * a*vtr* aiiark uf dsto- 

r “'0' tbfomtmsf, Hi-jU bi* jc.n 
an juviMfeiU of a ctv*r oJi!or- 
prise (aghucu my auvreei be. 
c-iU-r hr could not nay i». 

(ifflOhLEsttlcoi mu 4n>. m«J 

and ImperseiaL Al times I 
twtve s«u them sucrifice [be 
IndJvidiaa]. far ih* p«nt of thr 

Anotoer' Woman u' h, a> took 

herself ton aertotlsfr Mi dne- 

and 4 fading heart, ycE an 
rejH«l a tourUi tortn of office 
W president of 4 chib vrhM¥ 
mcmbors *.>id "they CDulin'l 
Ji^ along wlthnui her," 

Tod much rcsponsliiility 

tension. And iensiivn 

dtftMCfjlIvB iH& 

weM out ihH imnilng before lunth Id Lhe 
Mlclirt 4 fid got Lhe Steak aad lhe kidney and 
[he CTlinUF and the whole titwosh. 

,j ]n oar villa in PtBioBuo. v,e tmve, me 
Wilchm, sue tlfc cook uses, out Richrl Uses. 
< ™ framed a lo! tmui vnlMut Rachel, flu* 
find steak and liMtory pm Baehd m*tft lb 
Itoly we cal led imuu-a: pir (wnruse if ram# mil 
a vtry dark gray r^ofor. EE was really the bkisL 
eslnWriliRHfT,' tookuiR thlnj^ |\t Cvrr .wen U 
wis rctOIfy mouse gray." 

fiamsvu laughed and laiffibed as he re- 

iknMeAly he got a phium tlxsh hruin Rachel 

who a-.n at o. Irientf '* Dai. 

art brsMrihB apr ur rrfinrtod, "Jfti, do, 

t don't jrmflu it's tipfaktetf, Ii Emm* ertuallv 

risSi snel bat lit took* prtmtel'dB-" 

And men Bachd arrived In person wearing 
n new ring from CnrEjuris and sum s]K(1*ch- 
lar Uger boot.-; Whal kind cE bools war* they? 
'Muri riser tmoLr.'' Rachel said, 

"JUKE Ifser bodsl Rta langhHi m ^pprerta- 
|jon. '"iVnold ycni boJIrrc if she ware those Id 
IE m TJr. DoMUe' opetuug-. A* Pr. Ddillle. I 
Shouldn't have nltowrt U. 1 ' 

k?d luumed Cassius Clay, "-Haw'd vna ever lei 
[hit guy lien I yap?" Em ; sato t D ha. Frirmf 
ENinsiy Half. W 1 con bral bira," said FJHi v, ho 
Mver ftMighl is big ]|f«. 

earn Ira i Dud SI lhe Tivuitig Ynplh Gma, on 
— Iril nml hmeaztnD fitrm;l. He iveislisd f#, 
r.iu^hl In tntfMni ,>nd tontber sbi»«. The' 
gym h;itf nme pimdiing bap Jird n flnvr, 
fr,s ■fv'uys tn es.iy.iMMrtg boy, and He 

pAriurr per day. l!cv parents eftimcd fim- 
cuffs, bur the boy snJd lie just vino led to try ;| 
Jo his ffrsE IKHUE He knocked eui Owimt 
W idters m ri waoMd'. He w-nn the weamf tlgM 
on pr»ini?,, Che third by a kneoAou: lie and 
rajsMv Cloy r«i£br m n* American 
rl^h n-. amntoufv. Hay wcrphwr I7T : KN(* [53. 
f lay won on points. Jimmy felt bad heenusc 
he hud to excuse, 

TErey fiwgM ngnla in 19» al Iho HaK End 
QpUra^S'Ctab, itod Kilt# >h«A Clay unlit hn 
ego rawed. Jimmy Utm Bolli turned prafriv 
sltmal lb IPla. Kills Had .■wme grrui-ing Is do. 
He tost IHt lights 4S i middl'eu oighl . tone js 
n hravjvnetghL. a >enr ago. Owrctun degntoed 

Rp.v was u, R*r‘irt£ a henuLlful blue uinivrr- by rhoosipj^ Unde as Eds cpm- 

ncm and bn bis funs. 

There his (kwh an eEimiiMitnn tourney fur 
Hay's heavyitoiihl nr|e. The Fasl (wo rictus 
are Jerry faulty, the Idtuato surprise, and 
Jsmmy Ellis, lhe poverty program, I have 
swen hfltr? nivo fight, and now aiul IHrci T eq 
with Chris Iblftdw Id see Ellis wnrk mil Fie .a 

i4ry niU and w« obWnasJy happy abmu 
eckbratuig the sjjrtii year stoce Lhey married 
in Genoa back Id the "ClMfritrn” days, He 
and Jiretand Suridn will be 1(®e«inr again 
WHin Ih "The StolrcaseL" 

Jee Ki[wris of Kippyji wa-k Hsbed how hr 

and WHUI (Bcff fell flboul Ueltot Wereocri emenns' Ms m*h ^ ** rjp l ^* * B™* pnadL 

.' Tl’« Ihnd r- , .-t-*L _ _ , Hr- i-c HAl m IliilMiiahlh ri-Kjfai „,i4 1, , 


Custody Queried 

tion to bring busy ftcftcUHW 
nr having loken no the do- 

pcsa, Ihc-y sever relax, 
They acccpf ptrilrtMis a 

„_''WfTe retired and hmOnilfim Hy put age [irultoUcn--. With your iMeKgroBwl you 
POP'S -dlvorrt. The g>ri juSl wioted a mnltlok- sfeoidri be 4bk to ^neg a Job-fuil lllW or p^ri 
rc so she wailed unlH tfst'j‘ had three Ito'ely umEs-aL same prlvfllp sehnol in your jtotc— 
children nnd (bfifl fiogau Ipiiepiicg tales of jf merely ps a ctork or nrecptiojitil. Aftf 

^nh’HUtl n-iwEly' w-hlcli won Erer Cl^cdy Of lhe , lT , ur bWjedKC ff Ercnrh- you never 

Children: and <Hip-third Of our son's piiyrhees ^ f-p Mmgri'. You can always hang ovf 
fram now on. Don't yea agree most divotew VMir ari allfaei some of Lhe ndinr* 

1 he -rtojipod if custody Of ll» rhililrem mLnflrd folks in even- ccimmimlly who dearly 
■ - — If* nnisi nippart wMt l4 ^ tirtored in fttatft 

In rtotferailon E lilMkRO- 
thesr Ktt vnrtEswtilf nespoa- 
slbilities Bin they hecouie 
more sMn tout whtfl they m- 
torfere wllfi hoallh and (be 
h*nyi!n#-".* of one's family. 

I recall one man lit lib ' 

lifpmaturety, Ji’a Likely lbnl 
ihE Innen^d leoslcais breujjbl 
atari by unmurt didn't hrEji 
i hem. 

F suagM. Mm, J„ I hat you 
remind y&ur hnsbaod not In 
U(kc himsef/ too nertou^Ey. 
Tell him the wwW riiDy nil 
PtonJE without him, but yon 
and y™r clulimi arc ;be ex- 
ccptkm'i- Yon need him, 

Kbt Mr J 

o^Mrinienis . n | 

cnhMhe reaiipgemcnE of rfs- 
" relluM; by the use of 

fi Jit I 

e thit 

pflace to slacks. r, Tbr avrrogo prrsoni.' ... 
said. ■"V.Kiid Mtber see Mcbiti iji slsLte than 
somebody’! woreinry as a r tito" 

FHlYtor Hike Krtresl'll InstHh cb|r- 
rKiIlP «4( mm in Epai RTd aril's 
sports car . . Paul GriksKifirr's rseited 
a trio. Tbe Three IKijjrw«, hn dLscwerrd al 
his hotel 


TODAY'S REST MUSH : Store EE* Inren 
Urn or tv. .vome people don't think the uarfd 
iv round— lhey Ibink flT rec! a ng ulir— 3 hd by 

He Is pot a JUfihNEub dandy mid be wrfl« 
IfiEfrin Id h}5 v-Hc ending win iho mitw word: 
T3ef|rt r ' I a^ffid him rr hr hgt sieved any 
mnoey ^nd te said bo has [Jordoi thUUdsnn. 
wThj used lo be t-'aaolus Clay's meniw. bivcaf- 
Ihg wrac money :□ Morici. 1 ifked Hihar Jqitd 
of stodiis and he gave if jjraMr itougld 

’I'm nol »flrc," said Jimmv, "liul E Ihlnk E 
have same U.3L ImofluJ Rovenne 
NitT we all?.. 

wtut given to she parent 

A-— Yes, if jmfeey gave mnfr Wflgllt -p 
awarding custaly lo (he parent who must pay 
Ibe bills (bore iv no Ed probably Em a lot fewer 
divarces, Bull Ids wonW crealc pnoblrilB, loo, 

Ss fa lb nrs wnnld then ItoVf to hire sSmcnno- to 
case for CinJEnfrerv-jt toast whom they're smalt. 

AToEhflri. nre Che traditional ralsevs (il children 
and judge* WtH prabubty always fjft'Df Item to 
n warding custody. 

Q. — -‘Ths- public sfbncil isherf T reac* __ 

FVrillril requires us (u rel Ira at «ii, iiD they’re rtpoides (o ctMM- 
glVrtifi me (hr gkto WKl June, uflcr 2J j*nr> ol 
tea chins I'm widowed, and my Si keep orr 
weridag as my frt:nsiDTi Will be just $Ua Tberr'a 
inenthly. Tm very depressed about the ; 

E} -“I'm Twiiripg next mralh alter biU a 
cefticry Wilt) IHd firm, shd don't wanl any 
lips- Bui ev^WyniM is determined to fije? me a 
big retiremeJiS dtoitor rwnpilete with Jgmcte* 
and geld w-atch. wbai can 1 (to?" 

A -Vmi’d bclirr accejH U in g«d gFi-rt or 
be regaritod 4 n nnsrale/ul nr peculiar. Despite 
yvur InsIstcnL'e Hiat you dan’L Want it. chancei 
are when |t‘& over youU fed gruifflud that 
your rollwgiKS tosisled OP il, und their lend 
spredvM win pmimbly ring la your euxs tor 

Wishing Weil 

Mirror of 
Your Mind 

(’.in wr live tike bmpll,*’ 
Answer; Exprrlrwnls (p Isolaijnn randuci- 
Ihc New Ywfc fnirenrity fto.sonti-Ji 

U C W-lr k r u 

s b _a l -® r t 

A.— Cheer up While pirbtn. w;l»ofe drop 
(ear4iti> at W, iiwi private acfaxHs iiara no 

to T, M fl( Dtflvor. iJuSd. | 

.> foal like an nJ# flit— you cad'l heat 
J tbni rsportonoe. Robund ybar ini'- 
mlPlsUrtx and Uilt* fflaseora took 
prfiiy toollsh uci gnb w|w were toeiusf^ u1 
tlw Eiirn of Ulfr ■ccnlurv. * 

— V1 vm I'D KAED THAT- Burbiira Lbwv 

Ws w-liu, after reenvering UgdHPe^jHy smoA wuCs. kww‘s Jitf.v |<i kwj> people Happy: ‘'Fmel out 

wbai klotf nf adrife they'd like— and that'* 
whst yon Ef0 item 11 

EtCMEMBF.Rt'ri 1 QUOTE: “Stover fkllse a 

Wtoiflan toft highly. If ytu ttdp, sbe'lE I tank you 

i dm'( Ne Jwr any more. Il yon keep jt 'u s ., ('efiter and tlessTfheil m TrihoiF" 

j the'll rkmi Eltinlt jte’s 1<™ good for you." rvaved lliat fnr all sttbjecls, isa|jl(vt for from 

IS raiosl be spring. The. swallows stewed up * t» 73 Hwu« m Kiini4pnttf mem*-, “wbuLd 
' in Cnjririrapp, the elmleills are .sHwivliig up in IImI in ntid nul of wtleep nml one idrs 
Fori E JUderdale, ami Lhe Us i.'ollect-orr aje afler amUter vtcvld pup Into Lhcsr heads" It 
T^SJS? up p ' ,pJ >‘ wJlcr < ! - nws impesvihlc n> sursue one trend of thamgbt 

' 1 = ^ irl iifl my htsipry dHss," writes very Mg, 

Studept CM riascwjnh. "who wenrs OwsLImi: -llPIlH < tired n vein a] natsmls te 
^ ^° L 5wea[l?rri Hist I can hsutlly hnwEte.'" 'tossed" hark (nia soctoiv? 

, . . Ttmj’ii cart, (matter. Absvw: On Him poiiltf* of Broolihll- 

(M,Y,> Stale R^tial. (wa 'Half. Wav H(iu-ie ,: -’' 
/-hAn/rn ^ * re, ^ w lp wbl> m wli ra ^' tb resume 


l jN-jj- unrifiw , wh0 I™ to **ckLy for year*. 

JM h WOFFin m move tech miu ite ciwnilrjrsily graduplfy " 

New York Stock Exchange 

1 2 L " HriaH-EiMfirtf ' * 

a Ir 



On Pages 18 & T9 

Mb JSBBBtt Bun 



M. IP" M * PALW 
SPRINGS ITWlK fife* «, Kra 
St huHiklih n ptr rml. PALM 

WOt #1, NO, 2H0 

rAOtS^l StCTtONf 

PAw Splql, Cdltomla, tovrky, Aprfl i, T W 




L.A. Negro Leaders 
Heeded in Appeals 
For Non-Violence 

LM ANGELES fUFJ) - |4Jiecr i 

Smtten: California Uxby cm- rural 

a a peril h! a! iMb far 

UK* laying df civil right* 
er Miitfn LJdJHtf King, thal wUI 
li«i unUi jms lobfnd. 

tacaa, nficnr , 

*tut in da about tbs Oscar 
awards emm 
dlgfci, and Se^nn 

« * n a fe i On litany, l*nwMw a 

'Jrwbk i‘UTD trill march 

UCVtlM »• . 

rear *WB twuvrfiil c-Jepre*- :U 30 am from Ptribufi Squire 
-»«* °f *snw Errm highly; ie dawMwta Ui Anrttei to tta 
pkrai k«*»h and whMtil^mt AMIarfW Chun* oJf 

'fe u ^ ^ <*”! ' 

Tt» Win* coogma, headed: j immortal ^s- 

Iv Waller Smrninfl, planned a‘v.111 he rornJuctnJ. Spawraff "1 
perekr *i SfrirrarUl **awl uni tta SMuuci Cu®-, 

““J Shtcfay at J Jj.ft, , Bwf Ibr P^a-lrit, rta Jewish FMttitlcn Citon-I 

Mu— «p-| a! or Cinrrcbei, nf Semtherp e*htejl of toeHff Uk Augdw mA 

*alHt tar unity »m* 3dr™in$; Ifnntin calM an ah 1U Mstwartta lUmrd 4 inrbMs « *<nlt 
KiUft iraagt; n( Wri’VtofcGrr, Lo join Sunday tn ptuyiin: ofleni titifdffiU 
fn Wall* *efle of » mltto* "deep prnJIfnce and drdicaUon' In 4 eJlj, »1 wet jpwadit vto- 
PiEt rieit m m* **SBP7 PKKer. In the niuejnr Ktaefc Pr Kmj’lmr- mtf ™idalHm an- res- 
Lrf^ drflST la tar rtayltihi »ita's;av f bla Jiff [|qe auati^ aJodnoL Hay nlglii of 

Ibc year, ^101^ tannfd 

* * ir it 

★ * + ^ 

Local Memorial 
Set for Sunday jf 

ntgjK "flitter ilia® 

CitJ r tauiiellinan T h * an * a 
Elndr«', r refin'd police o£B- 
rnff "ivlifi > wrt of Ibe tar« Kc, 
gpu^ m the nundl apprnled 
rw puhlit luki. 

I urxe ill pcofV rf Uu» Ail- i 

griej to riiMih Ctifw And Cal 
isiid tn-ryunc Lliat Cfr Kihi! 1 

ihlmsetf «'Hjld Jir the US 

Speeut msiHirkl *hticfi wil : 'Wr i 

be hc!d Solidity, « l:ffl p.m. 33 

ta<. KKIit^y fnn-fllTlBri Cumreif' 

Eton t.'^SftT, m mejn«T ol Br. 

Martin LsUibt JQii^ Jr., *fer 

*.ts cut down by nn spot* 

■taint Ttarsdpy ntemwc 

ward n^iymr ta rtiort to t* 
v fnS c tarmiph dJulMdt." Bni4- 

W *!®n^ la ^BrSby oUsd King?' stayw? 

':*•/ n &i?er !*«**¥ "sn «■ 

. 'pmiJw -if s skk mini" 

’ Tiw inrnrs-i llfrn%!' 

Move Into 



WAGHINCTWf arm -r«olijfi»r preMmu] uw.htaibtio- 
piretrMaj arid Mirmr: Hi«td.i*T fiyni* Votw-? »iid Hv-fe tart 
uilMiw natlm'i; eapitu i«Jay In &Mn “ fl « 

“v sir •*« — s-teMk tSUt 

Limps PHVM MV «M«I flliaj JiEBpi of nbilm calm. 
■¥to1«u» ulilrti rtnimrS fivt! More (bin 1J*H purWrocps ef 
Mi*, ubr tend Airtbortie Wnwra, 

r*,„T n»r imm h*r.» . ,™rvy vrtcnm* of ln.'t sumriirr'E 

rw, W? fiown tare by 

tWBp(rt pUtWi a. Ita 

cum h TEpitrd ni now:, USpm K. nm tn 

i "'Hir siKuetbai me nina itm, stitv tx^n qef.iojing fo 

nwu/' u EUslpicl of roliBntMtfrntflilMpflnsi m mldranmlap 

:i»Iipb dITIcHr said «ii II a m Fta f apfirt and ibp Ubrnry 

★ it it * 

★ + + * 

JtM<* J33M 

* ir * 

Violence Over U.S. 



CHItTAffO lilfn-Ac Midi- 

^ nrtmrt^ds. BULLETIN 

■i’m attri snipe# Pre, taoting 
u.Tfl m*. bUM,' hro*e mt M 

TJI Ki!^- pfy RflliliM iaKT. 

■‘tor Juf erral hlimaiuisriin , 

■*l«: rfe anrl hu " - -■■ ,r * vnwMHHWi ~fiT I n i t 

fer aU, flo m*il MOBENEO _ TVi ptiota nl 0,, Martin bn 

P<fB«. jiuiste and me "l i an made aortacr hit widely pnlTiciicd pren ewifif- 

2£ s «« '« »«w YoTk City on Marci 2^- Hi* rigM* 

r ™ Sprtsai Mayflf Iln^rtlF^JJ j£f tariH le ** r " lf ^ irt ^ ?n Mrwph:,. T*». ng™. 

II* biiui I ■ ■■ H'kfelv, atony: 'Alta m?n;r ml d* r ni^iit. w*t phn^qir a n- rf nMrtiioi. hli 

jicnnrcif areas of CWca.^, 

Bn^. Gtn. GicIWkI T, Dima, 
ctonmMSnr dt *.Mo auudsitifen 

which flirted Frfdiy. said he 
osKed lor addlfifmel ireups tar 
'on rafly shew nf jlrcngih." 1 
J ‘i tbiidt It rtear tftit the ntun 

urn KdbnHsil ’n min ftanrt ru 

or t'angrtSf wit* cfotrd to 
vtsr.«r* bat i«jr grasp? u«it 
lirwigi lie ‘ft'KIta Jfouse. A 
Marine unit waa nwrt ji to 
guard the Capetxd sfcceily aiter 
iontoUht. irerlrc in Amity 
IWte tor deplcnnneca elsewhere, 
TfgW reorrity was U uffen at 
the tViitip tlaore, where a steel- 
cable tafrtcr, -similar to that 
used il issusursls, lifts ClnwMI 
UP anuiiMt eta offlk'UJ nwlcktliV 
tta Knwt FnmJtj, clBnrd; 

.1 P1TIS BURGH rliPtH^Vegna 
jyrajito dtaErtuxf wuHfewr, Jit 
nfema a wnrr nr whUr^wmd 
I notes lit ihe ciiy^i pmtomlnanlr 
(ttoittA Fbm Mnmtv—n !l/ Krgra tttll IHitrirt J'tMjv 
it lesut a. pervsis ktve Ijrti "J *^r 
bM* kiilec— tan hi CWraj^ 

til'd it! wsibtafnm, two to. Da- * *™ r - ^hwNrwi *tei* 
troll. nc4 m i wch b ff*»i ^ ^Brtnj 

Vtak, TnlUtam, Pli Mem- ™ ^turtMce wbta dJictag 1» 
phi-, fom. mill Mtoaeipotli^!^ ,1E * «? ^ J ™« fc 
In Eta vtoitw* vfh'rdi faSlow®al®25 t , 

Kins'! iMiwItinLim Tlrurpilaj' Ttaf* Hfi iw eDier lo/uriea 

*ui too jpaftsie. glfl-JiSOeal. regnlUnai, art waecTu5j 

Be #eennll*£ 1g fev. Jeff 11*1-1 to be prerea-.l and p« dwn 
Nm, jiasdrv id tie Ftrri Bsgiiji j Enllu jmrlamlng to Ur King end ' 
rfcarvh. utui to »i dialr- jtd* neverflaviliig drive (nr m, 

man of Hk affair uority righto. 

. _ ' " ,Tr \ 

The toned ttf llw Krttoo PSr- - 

ism HUET. Pap 31 

tc-uv nDW 1* !y <>>9 in itoi* ir A+tenfa, fra , y. 
*Mrte*a kKiJuI*' * 

* * * + 

+ + * * 

High School Students 
Set Memorial March 

Prim spring Wish retail Stu- 
dent* t»vr scheduled a sifcfit 
pear* march. u i rawnori 
TH- Martin Luther King Jr., wbo 
war WKeti by ar. *s^n THuf* 
day in Memphis, Team. 

din it ID: IS aliL Monday, was 
pEvcn by raim springs pnlku 
and rt*j' oflldak ye-qerday. 

ITSfr in iicli WIT begin at i 
high school football stadium, 
and will proceed on i'armi 
Drive to T>JnpilM‘MeCal3um 
Way. (ben west to Sun rim Wij ( 
saitb of flarute tend, and ore* 

AN high s.'ImwI tlBdffLL* are 
liwtlrd- to nartic^Blr in the 
march, with the *wy« reted in 
wear #fwU and ifccj jM (tlrli 

be JUPprepti^i^y aliped. 

j^clui: program b; plunnwl, ia- 
£odiip sevrrn) speikm repm- 
reflHBfi ‘he high school, 
speakers trig include nmtcntf. 
Tien $mlib, Donato Cnwfmd, 
Merit Mirim Sydronia VnJifeT 
etui file* MjdenKK; ClaS- 

*njr word* wiE be prea by Bev. 
Jnif BnlJlns. First Baptbt 
ClWrch pastor, and Rabbi Jo- 
Mph M Hirrtr* rtf Tmn^r Iv 

A .oila, "ft predawn Lord' 
will be wing by Sat AiaJa, nod 
i ino rompaKd nf Debtor- Bros- 
alrifl* Debbie Krnrcr end Beqs-I 
6lah*ts will offer “A ft* 
'.he WarSd." Berea Craw- 
ford and 5n* A nth m ill n 
(tori, "Steal Away/' afft the 
nlfch if hwi choir Mill >ici "Are 



More Land 

PutdisfuT Waltor Abnenbtrf 1 
Itu (Mirtewfd rttorr than Sffl. 
acra* nf tend nn It.t. del 
Road for more Unn U.l maUna, j 
it m trained today 
AaHMiberg b pohKiJwr ni the 
IffiBadplidite 6«U 

(taring Frem, Rnw«Mh itld TV 

I Ired for Tu*u£af 


Johnson Tackles 
2-Front Crisis 

I In atop Uiti lie 
1 RcMiiriT 


L“' lianE ttsid 
r a i. * u ■ a y 
wralhrr HiciurrigFd mnrE per- 
nn* (if take tn the ntradf. 

Duiui coM a aow* reftfreffire. 

At Sea?t il (wrvjna. ill of BETHOIT flrPIl— Qty 
fhcni JfftjdneE, had died n the 
:mqj| of vifirfnrr^ niare Friday 
j! arteruDiMi Ttr iw IS'' ' ' ‘ 

I Iltmontb-nM boy 1m 
1 k hL« st& in a Hir i«l by 

Mcq-Y th.fil « or th«u 
nrfie ffufd tfjidi puly Irfiy 
% Magcrfrete Erreu f Jimn 

dwt u ib (hr east ado ni Dio 
dot Sri lmniBdiati,-9y erfops Iiwt 
bis fid eolr '?oap* reuto wbre* 
he Bfft «ii» hr * in Lh« dfiseot 


i puicfu.ipri 

midr.igai receiving ap-riwJto- 

thne bTiVtc out mtre (he ilnykf; 
□f Hew Martin Lkter Kit^r, 


ftWS narfffl IT Jvap-JB fli !kn"- J* *»* »«Ae Wan l »• BA 
ply MJfe Revenue dimps fi «' v > Lla ™ c 

injed ™ Ifw deed Mkik tfecj WwtiwtlnH iynn ihr Vlrt- 
-«■ Tbe trattnrtku wtt hwid- ritffli MifllMrn: tfttral B 


HFMt'lllS. Tem (UPI>-A 
3Th>W4M JftBEd start Sy 

Ttnifnlay pjgin afire tft* 

ai=ia««neli06 id t): Martin 

3 olhre King Jr died today, 
renaik,taf ire fam MerepHti 
fatality 3 r, Ypuradtc vhriena Ibet 
hu rir.pi'rtl tbp dty a lore 

King'- death 

feting wHi flteflniiire . Tke Vtrtiffl, Flbt Tite. was 
land had odjfkaRy breh mt fgrietiprirtd while .iwan* e •)*><* 
a,*rifu hoi jemrpn deekM |ut tee uid. 'nay said be 

ant l* k»i» WasbBftM wIkii iU*d on Lmdu wits a rifla and J - 

KASIIISCW jLnPM -FnH'.WeiJsIlirton Ire war ftNOegy 
s4rml Jolvsten tuda? dealt m ith- !a3ks 

trtMA «i .in* fronts -the racial r (hiring (k day JntaiMi 
tnmum of Iwuw »ml the pfeflSM in w«i wNN U cMet 
pwcSile VbettuuS peem adsbifn nn the mapar ^jrech be 

ipJaHS tn deliver to - 

t jfflp-'reeetug of Ctfigm* MreMey n 

Tte r 

Helj" jnidirc. hi iked by 3, DM 
Yatlreul (leant m-Hktl cot- 
reUed DetroU in * t»SW ruirtJw 
today Bller .yrniloted vkoleret 
tn*n to Friday 
Miyne Jeranao P Cavaruusfc; 

•JMrlgp SaUUIlfJ' 


The tfatHtoUflk end iJdlng 
loik plat* ir a WK-ftlisefc are* Of 
Cenle: Avniwie unit i 
area of Wytie Avenue, two mala 
sfreoU m the Fill! IMUrirt. 

ihe 'rtty FrMny afire 

rfit ni laridome amr regnn 
afire the tjeath of Ur. Martin 
Jo Hire King Jr Dovb^ Jiiirf-: 
of y-otirtR \"egroe= were iuejit 

atngine rnfiun nf the mv ' pr-ce. Thtf Iran tatlkn van Jiahd’ ; 
wfli «n7to a dole vrtHtW % M«W ' T^L » Pahn 
the ond hence partidpatim in f Spnnc* RfiKre 
'■We Shull " ■' 

preehue by Anneiihreg 
art£ M his. ert *t a ai Tito del M 
acd WonifT PiUms JliKid. (ret 
OctotKT re pnrchA«4 AS ac«f 
Jut flo.eih i*( hia edata nr 
atwU! gE»,0«, from re: aimma. 

to Mgb echto iMtali, every- 
one. to h ymtfig amt rid. hi cor- 
diotly Javittd 1o aMend the II 
y m, yiriginiH a; the kEmtom 
fiil|i}n-iig;1hc siEirt natch. 

M«Bhrr? of tre Prim i*p rings .... 

JlLgA Mod faoilEj toting s*rt,<* fm'Wi J^«re for aid or 
In tb, program indodr <l*n ^ ,b ** g ,be 

Gml. Oiwler MeCreHiy. Ar-'Oreah-raw Itatcri Gjatcr I JlpMSil_ I I 

miiriB Raw. Mr- Frank ^ ' which *1l£ hr Pioded nearby cflo^rrife Woods it the neck m nl\W bore- Mitonj'. read " l[u 
riiireasd Petit CmtEi Rl ° *- k*fh of ftan ; akertBriort wim another ; addrra-j wlN bo bfiwretd hMBl 



Loirii* .CWibill, J5. i» Catc- 
hy Drive, injured re the result 
nl a billing Tnrsdsij' aftoramro 
at a School bus stap, a al Suer e 
ibd dnHTlhfd la very 

The rTEsiirat v,tHI 

(riCi'Jriiw id ndd-t'V ihc naiUm 
for the iwcnd tlmi? to H hohJi 
Friday, (rilitig 

"Antmcn ihilh not b* ru^ril by: 
trailer and i [thin* <m Ctjn^ev 
lo hold a pirt mwriog to 

ronadev nr* nireMttti re wdi 

ire re of 

the ffogris. 

Be rekfd 

later than 8 p. m FST MwaJay 
’10 hear the PrwMWI's rrconi- 
ntepdreore* and l.y 

nrtlofi, t.'«Ktnn,triT action In- 
Wih Ijjrri! retaved (nor : «.ie>d of derinMlIv? idhre Sn 

liars »ns 

hfirifewj. of 


tine altrSwl liwtar war bJkd. pet> urim'F’d three jbucijsim 
A i k«at nine fviv«i* wren'll 0 Neg™ mllegv in Creep- 
kjnred inclixllaf ihn-f priicr- ftnien FwdiY nigb' and poilre rt 
men and tore* pertonj ?not ■ Ourkitto dkturred fokere willi 
while I ! relay; pfLne At ™uiging bLily-diatn. 
iraal Jli pccKOM w«e united; Bain and dust to dawn curfew 
6y rfierty imlitt. Them were as ' ‘ " ' " " ' 

fires arri tvm reports of wiper 

U tlmw hr/ Twi uf 

ing. ararei 

!Whlkr dlEVL'. 

.1 aad potSee reppried the 
sltujftloc ctnupnirafively rpalei of 


One was rhargod whh being a 
riilper *iul orvr with ibaitlnB a 
fire res*. The unit ' 
wai jn-yn«. thin thmtrir 
eormnl Friday nlghl 

helped Natimri 
keep jk«t m (Weigh 
Mmt of ire Ntgim t»lks*a ig 
I he- stale declared tufty eprlng 
lidiktlys and their slitdenw 
horni" In Greensbon and 
Raleigh, 'AM rrqtknri Guardi- 
-pen uere no duty ami Cov. 
Than K Moore hanrhk (to nfe 
af an llrpiftf, wtoe ind beer 

Need o Ride to Polling Place? Joycee s Con Help 

Fm IrufliJwrriattMi Hi IbO a| Itoni. & chakHraa nf I 
pyil» and tree tab? setting IrihUc aerriw project, 


bahy iUicr, IhJa. i». re 
arraaged by caliios the t'ham- 

nhlle voting am he prmldcd "Any.wie wAu doesn't flam a 
try Lbr FsOlfl Spnflgi Jeyt«f way Ur (be po& td wto ^ ^ ^ 

and JavC-fflfes oa election Hk* 4«J Way eaO UK Qato- u^mg 1 - 
Afly Bast Tueubty. her nl CnerisiKn-e. IW-BU, ui T ty- tiaanreumm Hid MOt 

Jsy«e Fnolr Halt, j&utiat s™^ f» lm#K (*toa,' u jvaUoOto 

vice prteldcnt And matuBcr ut Kail ak g , mi ^ 

CrtrtftCUirm N«|3rm- "Vt o, If w y parent needy n do» u T 


Ohio Visitor Dies 

Walking for Help Candidates Tell Specific Programs for Future 

A 7B.yrer-4d readeS of WU-lTuiNday for Anjpkl I’m 

verety Itotgbii. 

dhHl yeererday along the road 
(0 Deer Spr.cgs, ah«i- nik Miles 
nort h of Cab*x«i 

Esri Behrebi, oTw tUs berti 
viiitlng here wins his w.le, 
Jfiw, iIdm tally MaiR'h. Was 
found by tiro oU-dufy ' 

JriSerday aftefflftMi, 

The Behrens resided *i m S ibe 
IbtkeD Avcmra. t&-:y 

Accor dips rc> lavsstlgniiarT rt- 

(hlrt*, BehreiiE led l^lm SprK6Sf f rewd SO h-IY* rSiHfk de jLlt 

( Editor i NWe: Tib k ibai-Sa 

! r urwaij tor too. wkvjc* ■» ; , , . 

hsaswr " “ r 1 ^ 

was driving berafni rid'* tflj QLESfffIff - Wtait 4pKJ«; 

5- 6«« to ttaUrtSy? S5 

atalicine frw h.iln hut ibal , ..... 

nd waddns for help, but 1MJ 

•" • riwtu 4,xn r«t, 

men fnr 61 bl A 
m revive «v«lijy atfarit It 

Sretogs if yviu aro «iect«l lb the 


uteiirebrat ritajtctlrnin J 
wMiffl cnctinue to wcuti for Lfce 
ii-Ecwtag nnproTHBEBts ritiE to 
the ftnare hoitorawml of our 

A. Fkarti cieasn-dp Ih Se«;«i 
U jjhi brmg srefan, af lyp to E -Sdl Ihc nurpHui ^olf «rnr« Jtibn flpnng'. to liifltway li to 
ruy (SandanLi latnl t] pay hack to Ih* gotem.’ lityllvrLkl add euattol asmai 

rHy vlandattLi 
R, Impitmr rail Ion of a pa*! 1 
and r*rt* niton jil«i wjih add' 
bonal irtei amt lajHtscsping:, 
r. Khcpind our police torce to 

pa*™ '*l th* Mirelto prflbkm. I raunty and cliy gm-reniminfl tlwt ire parte and recresIMhi B*«rf»U k one rf Che km«i imp 
I>. Sell itrirtj? dtsvirtop uarjilH.* ' G. ConlinuaUtei ri umtorsrtwad|rn«t« plan should tan adopted i port uni pawiflVi for trar total 
airport land and ItM-rore* ak- tflilikes program ! oi in demrel ri lbr fity'j getr- 1 ritkeej dirnng the meraiter 

pret tormina) ret-reiUf* En n- H Worit fw a Supwwr I'ourUhml plan. 0» eiatppto of hem- We mat omind rer»*ti« u 
due? cramrat airport ri tnaairt lit Palm Spring* \*mr*U*t Lbta la to rer city j, S 

apprtJnmately m.M t.jrtr. , BMa , mad tvm «r wfcch to £u - ^ 

Jkg to be eapanded to 3d leums 

during the coming year 

t ISM, DM which lbr 


V. Wiidy ways and meins (u 
ccmpleie. U» miner (tokl cop- 
tml plan which will pie nrM.Hnnai jurkecijifn' 1o mlOiao, Tfili *tH bare to he 
raridtofiiE tod visitrei wih cm h ytUri project of the fwkml, 

IdyllwLld i 
J I Umt)' hrlkir II b hii- 
,u It. and practical to provide all 
■il Hie necesjary serrtrei rr- 
ijibwf la but cfly and j«U fat 
cur tu rale dcniL 
JfWFClI A. G.tanA - 1 feel 

Jt D (be martnsiu of a the 
Table Lenjw WWiagen H bf the 
tmard d difcctora 1ha4 ** ■ 

rind and huikt tom mare ftoh 
wlttin a yrar Of We w(I have 
caneM WDM of Mr LUttt Uigai 
pniflram •■ (hv tu tick of «poc* 

Roth Knrdj' Pirk. , 

r— L^cftaijon facikliea tn 
Sen lun 3^ which wia nreallv 

~.AA i - 

ctrarti. faBfteard rcnlerj icr 
< Wttnv A wmermr- 
ty building ire ehotint n[K | 
torfiagen iMt a wadlm- p-n 

chlldree, among aUtre- 

(See IAVO-Mmce, ^ aj 




AB&TV UJtf two* idwiteW. Th* IILarl jNTfil 

I I5r lio pr*gr*ir U> 1 BPlMm^O^TfMO fa tX‘»n HmpuLai; 
■;*? judljtfifi! -HUmaUd IE 43 WbWP r WU fniind OlTM iMtfc 
jLUivtt vnr ratipMtfy krtorltfd ►M!ri 

theatre guide 


>Y Utl 

Quiet Reigns 
In Los Angeles 

ftTHitlnirf Ffnm Pw kj 
Lure .Videfuy *M strmnuKWii 
to a sprdal rawcUejt May by 

Youth Loses Teeth 
In Mystery Assault 

A Piiffl SjrlD'rti ce^Etcm, yu Tin rajn,rt B*.i u-j, LlJ 
L-fiae] Jam?.- t'utfjisns, IS, IsHl/rwrl lECHysU! Ire Lnyitnirn.'i 
■ JSUsUJjf Ugy, 

, *f " *J53WWfll P*trdcru'i, where f,. , n , 

mu, w OC-.IU. 5 (i^ht liat !cfi tern to be Meerc^- bJiiiTd 

Injured. i ‘Paliw ha^a JdianlJM th*fo 

Ai.ttiftUJie. to sh* polspf, Ortr-lUiK for :be altodcer irwaang 
■as was walking ntong Pilot jurt lends iUHrffiS by iiuMi-n-bw. 
C-iiny.M Drire nt toe toteirMe- anil : fl i lw Ineiduui, ' 

E«fe C. Stret« 



“4 H PALfcf cJiNYOM 

TJlc ^SUMpltle FftQj 

Classified Ads Get Results 
Phone 325-5005 

NO! NO! 

Mobile Parfe Hearing Due 

A publn tearing la id Mon-laera of land mirth ui 
dtf Jjy itte Wituy Bwrtt «f ill |Lai» anti btiwecu DjviE 
■ycrt ini a I'MiroiTri iaJ: ^ L« -l In Ohm Knai Tlw 
cbiap ta pcml: a matte . duoge w«te| rstorn? tb* Imd 
t tovdfjjnnrat In Mlr« Tom.'!™® K-l, sifts!* family 
nrisi Country Cllib area, to it-O. J^ateil J ‘“~' 

Tbe rbaosa w$nU oJYcfi 34fi: _ 

— ; Haajf ntoldtefc la Ibo 1 

■ PilnUi. «-.! Lsk iron mi 1 * apjwd nW^ptF. 

Ik a Jv-vcropof, w^f- 

'o build a mufelle hWr w* an 
S3 awes sf !fcf Ullrl 
A Urge cto^ u Tipacito In 
a'tond iB® tearing tl 3 ;* Pm. 
al rbt board n| ^jwndn.ito Pb&ri- 
i/ii nKm to KLupoHP- 

**“*■*+ ®p Brsm^Lm 

JOEseoh A, 


NegM fsifennm iJalfd iv 
appejir in the ninpnE n trendy 
tiivr witJjdrn'Mi *» » ttlUHt to 

At Mrawnwl CdtMijrsi, tly 
Olunfar Eoutt mas Hffbicit Kri' 
dny to KEiie’j Shukt l^as 
grtLvL IT ay or .S-itfl YmT1> 
rural jli fisp iw fiy L '"' 
flfiWTi al hali (SJEf 

rHEF-OTfr!l«rt tEWtf 

»f ihl 

mffowHM vmnm 


p pmL iinr in rur iikiii n 
Two alter flutn komI to bei 
H’alktojj wBn tit? ittnrlier at the, rit 
Uitil‘. "nplit" in ibrrwml Jlptt-^H* 
linns UHrr tte altorir. awmrd-i^L 
US to wKHF.t«s. 

Burglars Hit 
Dress Shop 



Tkinfc of itl Mari SpOrli— Nqwi — ,5 poclal EtiRH 
Ffm - . - and |«|ji|reg|td Mints: 

For Full Details CALL SCS 



KNJft . . , 
KM&C , , 

, , Cl-Jhltfcl 1 
. Chorinkl A 


kfmi . - 
K HJ ... 

. . Cb*anol t 

1CI1A ... 
KEIV ,.. 
XA3C . . 

Chonnil f, 


KQ£Q - 
tfTTY .. 

vtcof . 

r . Ctoownw* I® 

. . Cbonntl 1 1 
. Qi*wn*l 1 J 

Korn to IsM, stw itord L *>'- Entry »is giinrtl 

m frryUi qiea tin tw iSonr, 

*tort 1»5, drpiitiw. Aaitf 

£h..‘ ” r.mvuwd *f her has- A ^ ^ '‘alurf *\ 

bnr.d. AHa 4, PolEriCa M Palm wa* M(«w (ton tte ywfl- 
Deaeti, bik) 4 W*i Hte ],v C , If Larry Kirkpa-rwt 44-Ilt oUa- 
;«it or i-i jt t e . • lere ^ tn fa]«j)cs«i 

Snrricrs wor? telrf qrtdrr It* 
dirrcUan of fitritewy FtmeruJ 
Jtonir d 3idt;i at iPm? Holy 
t'ff.jR Cnnatery, T.^s Angela, 
wMi in offwJnm of St. tugiss- 
ttop’i L'Hhdfc Cnwyn, 

UHF Channels 
On Cable TV 


itofr 1, 4. 

ShWjuhJ ot* Ofjcy-e 
J-ITii-j EJsy-o 
S-Elow fSw-O' 

■ * TaIt-O 

3 00- ;.Wm-riJv u4 Mi 
A- On CSfKpJR'tS 

J4X> i -S«^vq ESSkiMt 

4, fl, 10-Umii JfrTTrti MmniHfd 

3, t 7-Htol6''w.J fWlADe^J aj0 ^.ptrd+f^ 












* prsr u&nniov 

■ tLlAtlHr PUSNfUS 

• ftEAN JQ«€S 


« h'h W TwtUntiUr 


Cartoon Carnival 


5-Dt. KD-StET 



J ft. -nd 
J.000 S,. R. 


Tafil Ar* 4 „t 

5-60D Sq. F+ l 

N 6 )TT TO 




PQSlTJ* f lXsT 

Of- 4th Srrifjifi W**W 
lOX OPFICf CifEHl Vto 
W 5*niM E1 7W C | ? 


11J writ* J ; g 4 „ _ 

M*WI <Wi JitMrlWtSfllV* 
'3 ACAJSSmY AW*n>| 

Spencer Sidney 

guess who's 
to dinner 


1 J3-J'9S.i:«.|:li 


Fantostf e WpcM 

Ni^ht Owl 

I Pq«loTririo«i J 


A4PU4TK U f 
&HT AY i 

M-.SGk. n-Worli 

11-DsviH S'JtsItiwJ'O 
!! *■ HiT, i. XCkNt*. 
5»fcU*fie SfwicrMl 
UtCfcltfCh in BctW“C 

WINN6H Or f 

ft;H-KCT JiHanul . BEpan 
J;M-SBT fwttvu . &in« 


W*drmrfflT * April Id * 3:30 p.». 

W»""* will t™. J*(l W*r**r, rr+ivw, Ik. A*d*iicl 

Rafip U-CWncfcQMi New 

lljtin* WaaSO i 

ladoe OtaHeo-O *, to NfVi-C 

7-D*Tlr. e Go/nt-O mjQ. ^.Uovl* 



dgier Dittjlf-O jj jj. t-Tcup^n-nJ 

dfiW SftrifekBrQ ;>w , 

f. Scwfcvxd 1 1 30 - Id-in*-"' 

Welk-1; 13:30- 

'ssjst'* r£ t 

9-K«|tBT SpeU 
IT.W.TH V' j 
1-CkptBiP Evi|uw4 

€. 9-Cs.fT Wftj-O 
ICIri Talk-C 


i*NN£ lAUCfrOFf 
KJlffl tACmr, SHOUT, 




3 . t T-C#n«T *1 H'up ttii 

BEffifkat -kiAmfiSai • j&fLm&ii- uh£$ui 

nmmw huht^on- mu wawnro s. -mn ms * 



m Villi ^Md-Pilno sprigs 
Phone 32 J-I 2 S 7 

ilJtNTOiHt, VEJTA y. 

d V VM --0 
i 4 >rri«i Mkbfc -0 
3 .PwPfiSB Cmirt IPrtJ-O 
fl-Mdi* D»U*WK> 
g-Pl^Cf Couilfl 
U-Oflly BiiTty-D 
t^Jt/vaa KHIJr-C 
It*. 5 . T-Dittne G*nu!<r 
*->Vjyk CH-W J 
WMvw<* Ccmit 

»■ rnjtfc E'DllllYtiiTlloM-O 

4 JO 2 , 1 l‘M»a 
&, T.K^K: 

S-B*ti Ddir4J 

O^fttC * Skp Tflp-O 


til tit nt }6 




TOIff JI P-1311 



re wflcd WHAT A CHAMPION t — Mr-i, Sl™« Samt*. Jr. It 

flteajw! ■ jSgi'^n wltfr Hm prflitdiflt'l Slip af U Qurnt* C&ufll-ry 

j i I hr Cut- Sta alw BBrnarf addiHaa*! trarflb fat wn- 

ring Iha Udiei Champfanih ie ToutiM«aflf and for 
winning Ffcn MNld (#IFar Ball TwDiflrn* Tnurim^pail 
*+ tha eiub. 


__ imiaioiis 

|M i. Ana*. Iti-trU 




L/GSCrt Sh r Ursrtl %mi 11 

1 - - ■ 1#T, Aftll 9 , Itil 

JOEseph A. 



Plaaia con* and v iiH ■ 



I Guoniltf SsPiifmlioa 

CliW Anna 1*a* I Un 

Travel The Royal IT' ay 

A Hew and licltlng Laah at Europe 

A> Hw ii *» Awrij^ l»<t »*a a 

l(*tn iurepaan |part-i.nq« In rH *m"l 
CbiUm, Villaa, C Vara ■■■ and Ha-Ha* 
lad**- il rta Hikhrtr «l ( a r*f* , W 
tnd bHuni and litrm <1 rt» HEAL tVhO-t , , . b«bi >->a 
it* PBWWt rtnsa^i. 

Hhr A TOUI U*tU il liti I II'IIBI K> t"f IlCillr 
>.l ri . Bdurd ... -rtiBW ... *twn AM UBlini 

[tlf . . MiH ■ - - Wi«i . ■ ■ Gtaaffaw 
.. Laiurr - ■ ■ Ww . < - l**dal ' 
SWFiwipg tU lrt*rt*i*tB*aF, It 6a 
*q*r*4ar Nih, Parti n 
Onlr I T.i*i 

Haw . . , Ca<rpFaii . . 

IE <KJfc StiEJTJ ■ v * Jm F i» Aruntani ht-a t+a plaai- 
■hi *F aipariartii ig i -4 #ra j«- »!«-*■ WMN T*» 

ift ahL'HI ! B-a-rhul* Fat 



I77S E. Palm Cany** J37 H2I 


Gala Festivities Held On 




WflnUcft iaiFTS dlffaniai* be- 
l«fl pud A^jUinq tr 

BEFORE? — Thau in big on. Jku frraiihewar and 
John- Cvrci of Indian. W«!h Tnty *r* «| Sivti Inkm 
Ceunny Club and wt *r*rt't mr* whotkw it *ui* 
or al+if Hw _ 

amt for a teM*. .’List' Heard _ 

it] die w Hawaii and Ne«pKt 

Mth Li^tft 
(t*U l«r in Arrwrte* 
With S#r*fo* 1o 

Kabul widow *f His SIWl Mlcb- 
l-an ''JfltMV *» b*<* IS the 
drtfirt f«r a BWitlw fl&y nod 
then pp t» bef fawir Li S fflff*- 

consult with noied toufty authority 


fly. AMmojp retWWierids Hat If you wf jh 10 
retain and improve your presem Am beauty 
a dlsdpffowy program st i mero S minutes 
wfi day should Eiwlrtte |h* felfwtbl 
tiMtnsHtt f« your Aim 

1, Marer^a mascara tiwwpt pads, used around 
your ayes will fubritaw. soothe, and help 
Smooth eye I lias 

2 , clmmsisig cteim should be applied over 
fact and nock ( nui around the eyns )... 

then rim yntjt fingers lightly fata wai?T nnd 

passage 3,50 

3, Sun freshener for all nln to tenwa 
balance of waitE'ifP 3,50 

4. .Astringent ( for allyorcrohlniTton sNn ) 

cleansing and befae make-up (6 

jtHSULT: ymr pwes Iwe been healed to 
i ijghtcMi and close iheauywr skin is 
protected km sun tend wind. 

Ci*s^'e 5 asO 

Meet jut. Marengo in person at H^ar!y*> 
Monday through Saturday 
April ft thraufih 13 * It to 4 p m. 

Mr- Marer^o will be pleased to advise you 
m your individual skin and make-ip beauty. 

Revive a 15 pilf of dcw-lashes with any 
Marengo poetess o< five dollars w more, 
this week wily a! Hhggutp'J Palm Spring 
Marengo Haute QBmefkpie 

haggarty’s Palm Sprints? * 20S Mr. Pali* Canyon Drive * 12S-25&1 


(WlHtf) Arfvtrfimrmit'l 




"Normally I would not presume to make 
comment on matters outside my jurisdic- 
tion but though I do not reside in Palm 
Springs, I do own property there and I hope, 
ultimately, to make it my permanent homer 
Thus I release myself from the restriction of 
non-interference. I am definitely opposed to 
the prospect of legalising gambling such as 
is represented by these initiative ordi- 
nances. In my professional opinion, such 
gambling brings with it a number of peri- 
pheral problems through the attraction of 
gambling. Undesirable Individuals cluster 
about such operations and constitute an ele- 


H A firm stand should be taken a gainst the option of 
gambling in any city. In Palm Sp rings, as in the entire 
area adjacent, we have an Influx of people that are 
there to enjoy themselves, hence, some ofthe same 
statements or facts about wide open gambling are still 
true. Most people think that you can establish gambling 
and control it — they also think that is all you have. This 
h wrong. Today when you take on one vice, you have it 
all. Vice, in my terminology, Includes gambling, narcot- 
ics and prostitution. This Is what you get when you try to 
legalize gaming or prostitution. It appears that cities 
that have taken on legal games have found a number of 
things happen: the area becomes downgraded in the 
minds of many, there is no real growth that can be point- 

ed to with pride, more money is needed to police the so- 
called boon industry. One final point is that as the gam- 
ing gets bigger, there is more end more need to have a 
special detail do nothing but oversee the operation in 
clubs, regulate those working there and observe the visi- 
tors to town, quite an expensive operation. If the pro- 
gram is so lucrative, why have cities in California and 
specifically the county, voted it out and why is Nevada 
in financial trouble?" 


VOTE “NO” on Wh Propositions A & B 


the citizens of Palm Springs, There is also the 
threat that however well intentioned the 
backers may be or how proper they may be, 
the lure of such activities to organized 
crime is most inviting and often this has been 
shown to be the method which organized 
crime has used to infiltrate themselves into 
good, honest communities/'